Freelance Designer. Former Actor/Musician, grown in USA
Five years experience as a Graphic/Web UI designer. Became free-lance in 2010.
Do to the background as a professional Actor and Musician, have a strong sences of expression, sences of conveying the imagination.
During the Actor/Musician career, Performed in Japanese TV drama "Princess guardian Sailor Moon (roll:Zoicite)". As a Musician, Released international split CD in Europe. Learned how Entertaiment Buissiness works, and power and influences what it could do.
Capable of managing projects from concept to graphic, or graphical interfaces with strict deadline sensitivity.
Fluent in Japanese and English. Spent youthdays (9-13 years old) in USA.
- Japanese
- English
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- Flash
- Dreamweaver
- html
- javascript
- php
- WordPress
- Responsive
Photo-Main websites / Promotion websites / Website with animation (FLASh or JavaScript) / Image compositions / Cyber,Cool style designs / Directing websites from Artist,Fans eyes
・High-Speed Designing(e.g. Building 10-page website one day)
・Creating Fire, Light effects
Other Skills
Recording Engineering / Video Editing / Composing Tracks / Producing Entertaiment-style projects